Holiday Struggles, written by Becky.

Holiday Struggles, written by Becky.

We just celebrated Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and now we all shift towards the Christmas season. This message is for anyone that struggles during the holiday season. Many people struggle to find joy during the holidays and feel their depression and anxiety take over.

Many people are dealing with isolation, grief, health issues, separation from family, tense family situations, etc… If you’re struggling this season and finding it hard not to be bitter and upset while you see people posting happy “perfect” photos on social media, please know it’s OK to feel that way. Life isn’t always pretty and no one will go through life being happy every holiday season.

Step away from social media if you find yourself getting too wrapped up in comparing your situation to the picture perfect images. I guarantee they're not as perfect as they look.

If you’re missing someone you love, find a way to honor them this season to keep them close. Start new traditions if needed, or lean into the old ones. Do whatever feels right for you and where you are in your grief journey.

If you have to be around toxic family situations, find a moment you can do something to enjoy the holiday just for yourself. And then remember to breath deep and get your self care time in to manage everything.

If you are feeling isolated and alone, maybe find some volunteer opportunities. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, help out at a toy drive, etc… Helping people in need is a good way to boost your mood, meet new people and start new traditions for yourself.

If you’re dealing with health issues, give yourself grace to let some holiday expectations be less important. Focus only on what’s realistic and have some quieter holiday moments this year and be kind to your body as it deals with whatever it needs to.

And of course…get yourself outside! Let nature center and calm you. Find the beauty in nature if you can’t find it with your current life situation.

Much love.
- Becky @walkofthewilde
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