Become A GTF Outside Ambassador
GTF Outside FAMILY MEMBERS (Ambassadors)
We want GTF Outside ambassadors to build community and to help spread our word even faster through like minded individuals. We offer discounts and various perks to our ambassadors in order to use their content for our promotions.
Here's how an Ambassador Collab can benefit you & what is expected of you:
- You will get a discount off your entire purchases + exclusive discounts and promotions. *Your discount code will increase as we monitor your activity and loyalty to GTF Outside*
- Access to custom GTF Outside clothing
- Access to attend special events (hiking trips, BBQ's, camping, etc.) *must be part of our ambassador FB group to view events we are hosting*
- You will allow GTF Outside to run paid advertising through you when requested and compensated for it
- Please follow our IG and FB accounts
- Put in your profiles that you are an ambassador of GTF Outside
- Comment, like our posts and stories & share when possible.
- Take photos in your GTF Outside gear and share
- Be a leader in your community to share love and kindness
- Allow GTF Outside to share/repost/post your pictures
- Don't forget to check your spam folder for your ambassador acceptance!